For the Love of God

For the Love of God Book Cover

For the Love of God (Volume 1)
By: D.A. Carson

I’ve tried many different Bible reading plans and have typically failed at them. Probably largely due to lack of discipline, but this year I was finally able to complete a plan and I think it was partly because of this particular plan and coinciding commentary.

D.A. Carson’s commentary is short but insightful and helpful when reading a lot of hard to understand passages. And even while reading books like Leviticus and Numbers he gives you something to think about which is nice because it’s easy to gloss over those and not get much out of them.

The setup of the plan is in such a way that just reading Volume 1 you could read through the NT twice and the OT once in the year. However the commentary in this book only follows the first two provided passages- which is what I did. (Meaning read the NT once, and half the OT) Reading volume two will have a new set of commentaries that will go through the NT again and the rest of the OT.

The only disappointment I had with the book is that some of the commentaries discussed a different chapter than I had wanted information on. Which isn’t a big deal, and maybe it was good because it caused me to seek answers on my own through other means.

If you struggle with following through on Bible reading plans- give this a shot, it might be just what you’re looking for!


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