I Will Make You Pay

I Will Make You Pay Book Cover

I Will Make You Pay
By: Teresa Driscoll

A good mystery! I can typically figure out the culprit when I read mystery novels, but this one had me going back and forth between a few people so I appreciated the red herrings! I read this one pretty fast, and don't really have any criticisms of it- it was even a pretty clean book without swearing!

I guess the only thing would be that the cover may give it a more sinister or gory feeling than it actually was, so if you are expecting lots of murder and gore type action, you may feel misled. I may not read it more than once, myself, but I would definitely recommend it if you like mysteries. It was more mystery than suspense, but I did not feel like it dragged on. Each chapter felt purposeful.

It contrasts with the book 'The Break Down' by B.A. Paris- both with similar plotlines, but where 'The Break Down' gave us information that seemed extra and pointless until the very end, 'I Will Make You Pay' kept the plot moving in a knowing way where you didn't feel like you were wasting your time.

It was also a fun read because it is a British book, so you get to experience all the British colloquialisms! If I hadn't been to a convenience store in Ireland and seen for myself, I would be very confused why someone would serve a guest 'Digestives'... haha.

[Profanity: 0 f-words, 0 s-words… yay!]


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