Woman on the Edge

Woman on the Edge Book Cover

Woman on the Edge
By: Samantha M. Bailey

I read this book in 2 days if that tells you anything. After just one page I was hooked. It was very reminiscent of B.A. Paris's book 'The Breakdown' but I don't want to give anything away so I can't tell you exactly which parts. And I liked 'Woman On the Edge' better than 'The Breakdown' because it had a lot more plot movement, suspense, and a larger cast of characters.

Bailey crafts a story with enough people and different pieces of the puzzle to create doubt and many plausible explanations to keep you grappling until the very end.

I also liked the back and forth between Nicole (the deceased) in the past and Morgan in the present. In Nicole's chapters we see the situation escalate and the sequence of events slowly becomes clear. In Morgan's chapters we sort through the aftermath, trying to make sense of it all. It helped break up what could become monotonous and repetitive. It was a good move to have two women's lives connect rather than just following one person's psychological distress as 'The Breakdown' did.

This book evokes a lot of what I'll call: 'mom-feelings' The stakes are high when a baby's well-being is hanging in the balance. Add in the grief, loss, and desire around having and losing a child and it will grip your heart in real ways.

One teeny tiny criticism: there are infant well visits and post-partum doctor visits right after a birth to help combat the very things Nicole dealt with. I would imagine they would have changed the outcome of her life drastically- but as usual- then we wouldn't have a story!

Especially for her debut book, this book is a win. The story is a win, the title is a win, and the cover is a win. I will be looking for her next book!

**I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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