Break Every Rule
“We can’t change the law, so we break it when the law stands in the way.”

Don’t Follow Your Heart
“Self-worship not only robs us of awe, originality, freedom, authenticity, humility, courage, and adventure; it also strips us of the joyous capacity to give and receive a love that is truly redemptive, like God’s love.”

Morning Star
“Slavery is not peace. Freedom is peace. And until we have that, it is our duty to make war.”

Every Good Boy Does Fine
“If you forced me to sum it up, I’d tell you that is the point of this book: a love for the steps, the joys of growing and outgrowing and being outgrown. And— just as in the Mozart— how time seems to stop, or even go in reverse, when you are learning.”

What Do I Say When…?
“We are called to witness to the truth for the sake of truth itself, not because it will be met with total gladness or joy by all, but because the proclamation of the gospel is the means by which the Lord redeems those he’s called to salvation.”

Parenting without Panic
“God’s vision for our bodies and relationships really is good news and we can talk calmly and confidently about it with even our young kids.”

September Reads 2024
This list has the next book you should read in October!

Enjoying Jesus
“Take steps towards him in love and obedience, and he’ll make his home with you and transform your heart.”

Night Falls on Predicament Avenue
"It was as if the sun had gone down at 322 Predicament Avenue the night Naomi’s murdered body had been found, and it had never risen again.”

The Midnight Garden
“Tessa’s casual use of the word ‘we’ makes me wince. Her life is full of ‘we’… I didn’t realize the joy of ‘we’ until I became just me.”“If you are looking for answers you can’t find, you need to change the question.”

Impossible Christianity
“This book is about how the line ‘how God loves us even though we are spiritual failures’, however well-intentioned is unbiblical, inaccurate, and unhelpful.”

The Night We Lost Him
“If you are looking for answers you can’t find, you need to change the question.”

In depth study of Hebrews and why Jesus is the better priest, the better sacrifice, and brings a better covenant. Hebrews encourages us to live a faithful life as others who have gone before us.

Golden Son
“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. Find your home, Darrow, and you’ll never be lost again.”

Bad Therapy
“We parents have become so frantic, hyper vigilant, and borderline obsessive about our kids’ mental health that we routinely allow all manner of mental health expert to evict us from the room.”

The Lonely Hearts Book Club
“If I’d known my house was going to turn into the setting of a Jojo Moyes novel, I’d have let them put me in a nursing home in the first place.”

August Reads 2024
Finally read more than 4 books this month, but one of them was only a two-star read.

House of Glass
“A suspicious death, a silent child— the blueprint of my childhood is being drawn all over again. Everything I’ve held tightly inside for three decades is jarring loose.”

Chosen for Life
“Election is God’s gracious and loving action to which we contribute nothing and for which, therefore, God receives all the glory.”

Fragile Designs
Carly finds a Fabrege egg in her great-grandmother's things and suddenly her husband's unsolved murder makes a little more sense.