My Review Policy
**I am currently turning away most review requests because I have too many books on my TBR shelf. You are still welcome to request but I am being very selective with what I accept.
I often receive Advanced Reader Copies of soon-to-be published books through NetGalley, Amazon, Crossway Publishing, and The Good Book Company and will write unbiased reviews for them.
I share my reviews here on my blog as well as my Goodreads, Amazon (this is currently unpredictable as Amazon’s customer service refuses to tell me why they won’t allow my to post reviews at the moment), and Storygraph accounts.
I will accept advanced or finished books. I will accept print and Kindle-compatible e-versions only. (No audiobooks right now)
I cannot promise my reviews will always be raving. I have rarely ever slammed a book. I try to always find something positive to say and will indicate parts that bothered me but may not bother other audiences. The main purpose of my blog is to provide honest feedback on what I read so I will be honest but respectful.
Book reviewing is not my job, it’s a passion. My family comes first. I will only accept review requests for books that I actually intend to read. However, my timeline has to be somewhat flexible. The majority of requests I will be able to post a review for within 1-2 months of receipt (depending on the length of the book). If my schedule is starting to fill up, I will notify you before I accept the request that the timeline may be longer.
My primary genres are Christian Living/Theology/Apologetics, Suspense/Thriller, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Crime, and YA. Secondary genres would include Women’s Fiction, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Literary Fiction, and Humor.
Please do not send me requests for books that have a lot of swearing or sexual content. I will also not accept Horror requests and will only accept some Romance books- better chance if they cross over with Historical Fiction, Humor, or Suspense- and this bears repeating- I do not want to read about people having sex.
I will probably only respond to requests that I am interested in, but may reply to others as time allows.
For all review requests, please include a summary of the book, your required review-by date, and why you think it would be a great fit for me based on what you see of my website.
For any requests or further questions you can contact me here or email me directly at shelfreflectionblog at gmail dot com.