Every Deadly Kiss

Every Deadly Kiss Book Cover

Every Deadly Kiss (The Bowers Files: The New York Years #2)
By: Steven James

Another great Steven James book! In comparison to Every Crooked Path, this was not as heavy subject material-a big theme is the racial profiling, terrorism discussion. (Similar to Marathon) It had been awhile since I had read the first book in this series and all the other books so it took me a bit to get my bearings on what had happened thus far chronologically so I would recommend reading these books close together for that reason.

While reading this I noticed some elements of the story that reminded me of both David Baldacci’s Memory Man and A.G. Riddle’s The Atlantis Gene. The suspense and ‘clue finding’ of Memory Man and the incorporation of historical or events or folktales, etc of Atlantis Gene that makes you want to google things. James definitely has a way with suspense and his work does classify as intelligent thrillers. I like his wit and ability to properly use humor without it feeling forced or unnatural.

I’m not really a fan of when authors write a series and then writes another prequel series because I prefer to get all my information in order, but the quality of Steven James’ books allows me to look past the inconvenience and really enjoy the story.


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Memory Man