Fierce Faith

Fierce Faith Book Cover

Fierce Faith: A Woman’s Guide to Fighting Fear, Wrestling Worry, and Overcoming Anxiety
By: Alli Worthington

I wasn't sure if I would like this book or not.

I don't relate to people obsessed with coffee and who call their friends 'Girlfriend', or who use the word 'women' when they mean 'woman' but I forged on and read the whole book.

I would classify it as a 'fluffy' type of book, but it still held a lot of truth.

It discussed fears I think we all have regularly: fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of the future, fear for our children, fear of not being enough, etc.

Her goal in the book is to help you become aware of when you're allowing these fears to affect your life in unhealthy ways and offering ways to combat them. It was nothing earth-shattering or new for me, but they were still great reminders of being aware of how our fears are affecting our view of God, our interactions with our loved ones, or our view of self.

We need to speak the truths she shares in her book to ourselves everyday and pray over them. We need to maintain an accurate view of who God is because trusting him is wrapped up in who we know him to be.

I would say overall, there are probably deeper and more biblically rich books on fear out there, but this is a fast, easy to apply, accessible book on fears women face and might be just what you're looking for.

And to the author's credit- I might not fully be able to relate to her, but she is at least funny and loves Reese's peanut butter cups, so maybe we can be friends...


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