Ignite Me

Ignite Me Book Cover

Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3)
By: Tahereh Mafi

My comprehensive review for this series is here, but wanted to write a separate review on the last book since no one will be reading this unless they (most likely) read the other two. I wasn't a big fan of the last book.

I don't understand how Juliette is all of a sudden the person who gets to make all the decisions and plans. Just because she decided she cared? Why would Castle, or anyone else, say 'Yeah. I think she has the best expertise. She knows how fighting and politics works more than anyone else. Let's all do whatever she says. Because look- she has strong feelings about this, and that is enough to succeed at whatever she desires.'

I just didn't like Juliette's character (per my other review). For her to dominate the last book as she did, I didn't believe it; it didn't make sense. I also don't get how Kenji is apparently her best friend in all of this- when did that happen? In my opinion, she really should have ended up with him. I think the series would have been better without the love triangle, but I suppose that's what most young adults prefer in their books. I did appreciate that the writing in this book was more action and dialogue than the dramatic abstract feeling fluff from the first book. Here is an excerpt from the book that I really liked:

"Doubt had married my fear and moved into my mind, where it built castles and ruled kingdoms and reigned over me, bowing my will to its whispers until I was little more than an acquiescing peon, too terrified to disobey, too terrified to disagree. I had been shackled, a prisoner in my own mind."


Operation Bonnet


Shatter Me