I’ll Never Tell

I'll Never Tell Book Cover

I’ll Never Tell
By: Catherine McKenzie

Unexpected ending.

It's similar to Big Little Lies in terms of how it's written- different chapters from each character's perspective, plus going back and forth between past and present. The plot revolving around determining the culprit of the 'Amanda situation.'

There were a few things that stuck out negatively- lack of creativity in naming the horse- Cinnamon (*eyeroll*), a barn burning down in the middle of a rainstorm (seems unlikely), and someone getting hypothermia in a lake after summer in a short amount of time and no one else affected (again-seems unlikely).

The other negative parts of this book were the frequent use of the F-word and some sexual content I did not care to read. Take out all those things and it was a pretty good book.

I like mysteries that surprise me. I really thought I had it figured out, but the author put in some nice twists. I plan to read her book The Good Liar. We'll see after that book whether I continue reading this author or not.

***Received this book in a Goodreads Giveaway***


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