North! Or Be Eaten

North! Or Be Eaten Book Cover

North! Or Be Eaten (The Wingfeather Saga #2)
By: Andrew Peterson

Excellent sequel to book one. There were less 'footnotes' in this book, unfortunately, but the adventure more than made up for it. Plus there was still some of the same humor. (i.e. a quote from the ever descriptive Oskar: "In the words of Vilmette Oppenholm in her essay on the decline of free cupcakes, 'How awful.'")

The author did an awesome job of weaving this story. There were several 'stops' along the way of dangers the Wingfeathers had to get through. The whole time, you wonder 'how are they going to make it?' It was nice to feel that all throughout without being able to predict exactly what would transpire. There were surprises and traitors and heroes and new scenery to picture. It's the type of story you imagine would make a great movie! Looking forward to book three to see what comes next!




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