Once We Were Brothers

Once We Were Brothers Book Cover

Once We Were Brothers (Liam Taggart & Catherine Lockhart #1)
By: Ronald H. Balson

The cover of this one really drew me in, and I really liked this book.

The main character, Elliot, in present day, recognizes who he thinks to be Otto (though now with a different name), a boy raised by Elliot’s family/turned Nazi officer and accuses him of his past crimes, including stealing his family’s wealth. He has hired lawyer, Catherine Lockhart, to prosecute.

The secondary timeline takes place in Holocaust Poland as Elliot recounts his wartime tale: the story of how Otto came to be with his family and all that happened after, including a side love story.

The important question is- has Elliot actually identified Otto correctly and accused the right man?

Like a typical WWII novel, this was a reminder of how gruesome and outrageous the Nazi regime was.

There wasn't a lot of action throughout the story, but the author held your interest with the captivating narrative that kept leaving you on cliff-hangers at the end of the chapters, and the mystery/suspense of what was going to happen in the end of the book. Would justice be served?

I was disappointed when it was done because I wanted to know more of the story!


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