Run Away

Run Away Book Cover

Run Away
By: Harlan Coben

I was in the mood for a suspenseful mystery book with a lot of action and this fit the bill!

I’ve always enjoyed Coben’s books and this was no different.

Each chapter moves the plot significantly- providing new clues or people to investigate. I appreciate that he’s not afraid to kill off unexpected people and that the main character was not Liam Neeson.

‘Run Away’ explores a magnified version of all parents’ fears- a wayward child caught up in drugs and crime. How far would we go to save and protect our children? This book will twist your stomach, keep you tense, and make you curl your fists. Add in a cult with its lies and manipulation and you’ve got yourself a cast of characters, most of which you want to punch in the face a few times.

Thumbs down for language and an arguably unsatisfying ending. The answers were satisfying but the resolution and wrap-up were weak.

All in all, it was a hard book to put down and I’d recommend it for that thriller you’ve been looking for.


The Silent Patient


a(Typical) Woman