Speaking in Bones

Speaking in Bones Book Cover

Speaking in Bones (Temperance Brennan #18)
By: Kathy Reichs

I won this book in a GoodReads giveaway, but had been wanting to read one of Kathy Reichs' books for awhile anyway.

I knew her books inspired the show Bones, so I had assumed I would enjoy them. I was correct! I really liked this book.

It had natural dialogue and kept me guessing the whole time. I'm usually pretty good at figuring these kind of books out, but there were a few twists that got me!

I'm not familiar with the characters so I can't speak to how the characters have developed over a series of books but I thought they were each differentiated perfectly.

My only dislike of this book was the ending. It seemed to climax, but instead of playing out the ending, it was the main character looking back and saying how it all ended up. I would have liked a little more intense of an ending. I would have rather been taken along for the ride instead of hearing about it after the fact.


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