Strands of Truth

Strands of Truth Book Cover

Strands of Truth
By: Colleen Coble

Romantic suspense is not a genre I typically go for so I’m not exactly her target audience, and to her credit, I didn’t have the ENTIRE thing figured out by the end so that was good. It wasn’t as ‘cheesy Christian’ as some other fiction novels I’ve read. I enjoyed the plot involving the implications of DNA/ancestry sites as well as the idea of adopting embryos- I hadn’t thought of that before.

But there were some reactions of the characters that I felt were unnatural:

So when Oliver is in the hospital and Harper asks Ridge how he’s doing, Ridge says ‘Still in a coma.’ And then they change the subject. Ha! It just seemed so flippant. They were also so cavalier about Harper’s attack. I mean he had a knife and tried to abduct her but they act like it was just like someone spilled coffee on her best dress. And THEN later after all the ‘abductions’ and Ridge tells her to stay with him- she says ‘Oh I don’t want to bother you, I’ll be fine.’ *rolls eyes* oh really? You’re gonna be just fine? Are you delusional? A normal person in this situation would not just try to move on with their lives. You are in DANGER! It’s all very clear. The previous abductee literally said they were coming for you next. But no. Go hang out on your houseboat by yourself. I’m sure you’ll be fine.

I also wanted to address the issue with Harper not telling Ridge she was pregnant “right away.” The author made it seem like it was this great deception and she wasn’t honest and it was because she didn’t trust him, but hello! It hadn’t even been a WEEK since she found out herself. Especially with miscarriages being so common. She has no responsibility to tell anyone. That’s her own decision and it’s about her, not about how she’s treating other people. It’s a very personal thing, take a chill pill Ridge. You hated her just a week ago so calm down.

Then, I just want to acknowledge a couple writing style things I wish weren’t in there. Almost all the men were described as having ‘broad shoulders and thick black hair.’

And this one just made me chuckle. It was supposed to be a romantic moment where someone was feeding the other a fondue bite and she wrote that he “deposited the nugget of chocolaty goodness”. Hahaha. ‘Deposited’ and ‘nugget’ are not real romantic. I think we all know what those words are typically used together to describe....

Anyway... all that to say, I still enjoyed reading it and I think it’s a great book for her target audience. It’s a clean, romantic suspense novel. The end especially got intense. I ignored my children for a few minutes to finish it.

** I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**


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