“If we disqualify legitimate discussion, we compromise our ability to know the truth, and error can thrive without restraint.”

The Deconstruction of Christianity
“Faithfulness to God comes at a cost. It’s easier to submit to societal opinions than to stand on scriptural truth.”

Is Easter Unbelievable?
“Whether you think that hope of everlasting life is pure naivety or you’re wondering if there might just be a God who has a plan for your life, this book is for you.”

Confronting Jesus
“Every seeming roadblock to faith in Jesus becomes a signpost.”

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality
Our kids are being desensitized, song by song, cartoon by cartoon, numbed to the point where immorality feels like no big deal.

Live Your Truth (and Other Lies)
“You are not enough, but when your trust is placed in Jesus, his enough-ness is transferred to you”.
Mama Bear Apologetics
I think everyone should read this book. And probably own it. And also give it to all your friends.

Why Believe?
“Christianity . . . , if false, is of no importance, and, if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

Why God Makes Sense in a World that Doesn’t
“Which is telling us a better story— a story that better accounts for the strangeness, the incompleteness, the brokenness, and the beauty of our world?”

A Biblical Case Against Theistic Evolution
Can we just agree to disagree or do differing views on evolution actually matter?

Before You Lose Your Faith
“Yes, God is a mystery. But he can also be known. He is known in Jesus. He is known in the pages of Scripture. And when we seek him with all of our heart, we will find him.”

Is Christmas Unbelievable?
Has the familiarity of the Christmas story numbed you to its reality?

Surviving Religion 101
I believe every adult leaving home and entering the world should own this book.

Taking God at His Word
“We should not abandon faith in anything God has taught us merely because we cannot solve all the problems which it raises. Our own intellectual competence is not the test and measure of divine truth. It is not for us to stop believing because we lack understanding, but to believe in order that we may understand.”

The Reason for God
“Only if you struggle long and hard with objections to your faith will you be able to provide grounds for your beliefs to skeptics.” He is not threatened by your doubt, he is not disappointed in your pain, and if you come to Him, he will never turn you away. (John 6:37)

Confronting Christianity
I've read a lot of apologetics books and I think the issue was that McLaughlin just presented the information in a different way than I was used to and caused me to approach the questions in a new way. Which is a good thing. She has a fresh perspective. It's…