Good Dirt
“This was the true miracle of life, he thought. No so much to be born as to bear up under what comes your way. To find a way forward. To embrace what was good.”

The Lonely Hearts Book Club
“If I’d known my house was going to turn into the setting of a Jojo Moyes novel, I’d have let them put me in a nursing home in the first place.”

Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder
“She was a human-sized bad omen, as if she’d smashed every mirror, walked under every ladder and put new shoes on every table she’d ever seen. Lenny didn’t really put stock in superstitions and yet her track record spoke for itself.”

“Home is where the heart is, and the heart could be a dark and damaged place.”

Nineteen Eighty-Four
“We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”

Sea of Tranquility
“Turns out reality is more important than we thought.”

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
“Snow lands on top.”

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
“This is what time travel is. It’s looking at a person, and seeing them in the present and the past, concurrently. And that mode of transport only worked with those one had known a significant time.”

The Boys from Biloxi
“Corruption never stays in a box. It spreads because greedy men see easy money and there is an endless demand for gratification and the promise of a quick buck.”
Carrie Soto Is Back
“When did winning become something I needed in order to survive? Something I did not enjoy having, so much as panic without?”

Lessons in Chemistry
“Chemistry is change. Courage is the root of change— and change is what we’re chemically designed to do.”

The Madness of the Faithful
This book was madness of its own kind. I didn’t like it.

Firekeeper’s Daughter
“I never thought about secrets being like a bull’s eye. The smaller the circle, the bigger the secret.”

People We Meet on Vacation
“I love being the one who makes him weird.”

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
“There are scars on my heart, just as thick, as disfiguring as those on my face. I know they’re there. I hope some undamaged tissue remains, a patch through which love can come in and flow out. I hope.”

Where the Crawdads Sing
I finally read the book everyone else has.

Cloud Cuckoo Land
“A book is a resting place for the memories of people who have lived before. A way for the memory to stay fixed after the soul has traveled on.”

Everything We Didn’t Say
Unsolved double homicide in a rural Iowan farming community. Let’s do this.

The Four Winds
“The four winds have blown us here, people from all across the country, to the very edge of this great land, and now, at last, we make our stand, fight for what we know to be right. We fight for our American dream, that it will be possible again.”

The Golden Couple
A therapist who recently lost her license. A couple looking to repair their marriage. And everyone has a secret. Or two.