When You Pray
“Prayer isn’t about saying what we think the Lord wants to hear from us. Prayer is an honest, intimate, and intentional reaching for the Lord in truth, in reality, in the actuality of our lives as they are.”

In depth study of Hebrews and why Jesus is the better priest, the better sacrifice, and brings a better covenant. Hebrews encourages us to live a faithful life as others who have gone before us.

Ten Words to Live By
“Christianity is about relationship with God and others, and because this statement is true, Christianity is also unapologetically about rules, for rules show us how to live in those relationships.”

In His Image
Seeking to address the question- ‘What is God’s will for my life?’ Wilkin responds by posing a different question. Instead of trying to figure out what we should DO, we need to ask ‘Who should I BE?’ “our sanctification is not simply that we would make better choices, but that we would become better people.”

A Living Hope in Christ
This study forces you to wrestle with questions you’re unsure about and makes you realize how much you ‘skip over’ or assume you understand when you read Scripture. Jen will ask…