Critical Dilemma
“The attraction of critical theories for Christians lies in the fact that they grasp an aspect of the truth. The problem lies in the fact that they press this to the point where other truths are marginalized, subverted, or even rejected.”

Reforming Criminal Justice
“How would we design the justice system if we did not know our lot in life and thus did not know whether we were more likely to be a crime victim or a criminal defendant?”

Nineteen Eighty-Four
“We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”

The Gathering Storm
“Christians must display faith in God’s design, faith in God’s Word, and faith in the power of the gospel.”

A Gentle Answer
“While true faith is filled with holy fire, it is a fire that is meant for refining and healing, as opposed to dividing and destroying.”

Notorious RBG
“On or off the bench, she has always been steadfast, and when the work is justice, she has every intention to see it to the end.”

“While Democrats have long acknowledged our struggles and the crimes enacted against us, they have done little to provide actual remedies or prepare us for a future that does not center on our brokenness.”

Jesus and John Wayne
A provocative book with a damning declaration— this author failed to convince me of her thesis.

Cynical Theories
Everything you need to know about critical theory and its pervasive and dangerous influence.

Christians in a Cancel Culture
Truth cannot be cancelled. Equipping us to be both firm and compassionate in our convictions.

I vaguely knew about this guy- you know... the guy with the eye patch. Well. Turns out he has some interesting things to say.

How the Nations Rage
This is one of the most fair, balanced, and helpful books I’ve read on the topic of church and politics.

Live Not By Lies
The author makes some very interesting and important points about what is happening in our country today and what the consequences could be.

Uncommon Ground
A very conflicted review. The premise of this book caught my attention and, paired with Tim Keller’s name, I was sure this would be a perfect fit. We all…

Divided By Faith
I’ve been trying to challenge myself and really consider what I think about racial inequality. I’ve realized that I largely avoid it. I’ve been coming to terms with the fact that it’s more prevalent than I realize, which as this book points out, stems from my own and my friends’ lack of personal experience. I wanted to read this book because…

Killing Kennedy
”Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.” If you like history and don’t already know everything there is to know about JFK, this is an excellent book! It is similar to…

The Intolerance of Tolerance
The idea that tolerance is intolerant is something we need to wrap our minds around. How can this statement be true?

Five Presidents
This one is a long one, but I really enjoyed it! It helped put different historical events in order and made connections I hadn't thought of before. I know I learned a lot of it in school, but you don't really try to remember it that much and once you're an adult, you realize more why remembering is so important.