Critical Dilemma
“The attraction of critical theories for Christians lies in the fact that they grasp an aspect of the truth. The problem lies in the fact that they press this to the point where other truths are marginalized, subverted, or even rejected.”

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
“God used the offense of God’s word for the good of my soul.”

Amazing Grace
“‘My memory is nearly gone. But I remember two things: that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior.’”

Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God
“Ruth answers the question ‘Can I trust and love the God who has dealt me this painful hand in life?’”

Talking About Race
“Friends, just because we’re honest, doesn’t mean we’re edifying; just because we’re hurt, doesn’t mean we’re right.”

Discrimination and Disparities
“Contrary to much that has been said, disparities in socioeconomic outcomes are neither improbable from a theoretical standpoint nor uncommon from an empirical standpoint.”

“While Democrats have long acknowledged our struggles and the crimes enacted against us, they have done little to provide actual remedies or prepare us for a future that does not center on our brokenness.”
Fault Lines
“I believe that the current concept of social justice is incompatible with biblical Christianity… Our problem is a lack of clarity and charity in our debate over the place, priority, practice, and definition of justice.”

How to Fight Racism
“God’s plan has always been diversity. Every tribe, tongue, and nation are part of his family and the Bible does not differentiate people based on race.”

Cynical Theories
Everything you need to know about critical theory and its pervasive and dangerous influence.

Just Mercy
Eye-opening look into capital punishment and the injustices done in our legal system- much to ponder.
The Color of Compromise
This was written to expose the reality of the church’s complicity in racism and I think it did that pretty clearly. I will say that there are parts of this book that concern me and I will discuss those in the second half of this review.

Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth
This is one of the best books I’ve read about social justice!

The Secular Creed
“If we abandon Christianity, we will not find ourselves in a brave new moral world, better able to support equality for all. No, we will find ourselves unable to justify human rights for anyone.”

The Coddling of the American Mind
“Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.”

Part passion for the cross and diverse, biblical unity, part bearing witness to the freedom he experienced from racism, and part responsibility to shepherd God’s church, Piper lays out in his book the ways the gospel is essential to racial reconciliation and seeing the church look more like the diverse church reflected in Scripture.

Divided By Faith
I’ve been trying to challenge myself and really consider what I think about racial inequality. I’ve realized that I largely avoid it. I’ve been coming to terms with the fact that it’s more prevalent than I realize, which as this book points out, stems from my own and my friends’ lack of personal experience. I wanted to read this book because…