The Actor’s Life

The Actor's Life Book Cover

The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide
By: Jenna Fischer

This book will make you believe that you are actually an aspiring actor.

I don’t have any plans to do any acting professionally (or rather- professionally acting...I *might* act professional every once in awhile). Yet I would read Jenna (can I just call her Pam?) saying, “Be a joiner. Be in an improv group or a theater company. Create a consistent body of work. Be involved with other creative people.” And I would think, “Yes! I will do the things! And do the work! And meet the people!” And then suddenly I would panic: “50 improv auditions?? I can’t do that!!” (I mean...I would probably rock half of them, but 50% humiliation rate is still a bit high for my liking). And then I would have to put the book down, take a deep breath, and tell myself- “You are a stay at home mom. You are not moving to LA (or NYC) and you do not want to act professionally. Or live on pretend pizza.”

So yeah, it’s less of a memoir style of book and more of like... a survival guide... for aspiring actors. Hm. They should have put that on the cover...

Maybe you ARE an aspiring actor. And you read subtitles and you already realized that this book was for you- fantastic- I can already tell you’re gonna be successful before you even cracked its pages. And now you have even more valuable information to help you get proper headshots, sign a manager and/or an agent, learn how to audition, and prepare for rejection. What luck!

Or maybe you are like me and you were like- “Hey, Pam is on this book. I will read it.” And then you do. And you get stressed out trying to figure out how you’re going to make a career out of acting. Then you finish the book and realize, Oh yeah. I’m just an innocent bystander checking out what Pam (apparently known as Jenna) is doing and what a relief that this isn’t my aspiring life.

Either way, it’s a win. You either get trade secrets or a surprising realization that maybe things are harder for those easy-to-judge actors than you realize. But seriously, we hardly ever get to hear about the no’s and failed attempts and years of trying and waiting. Just gives a new perspective on what actors typically go through to get where they are and what they often still have to go through once they’ve “made it.” Oh and you will find out Pam’s real name. And that she’s friends with Kirk from Star’s Hollow (who also has a real name). And you will learn a tidge bit about Pam’s (I mean Jenna’s) real life and career journey.

No matter your career path, it’s an interesting read. With pictures! [Oh— critique: give us pictures in color next time please!]

To all you actors out there: Respect!


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