The Clockmaker’s Daughter

The Clockmaker's Daughter Book Cover

The Clockmaker’s Daughter
By: Kate Morton

I’ve never read Kate Morton before and probably won’t read her again if this book typifies her writing. I wasn’t much drawn to the descriptive, poetic prose that filled these pages.

I found myself reading and realizing I wasn’t paying attention to what I was reading because it was slow and excessive. I appreciate details and beautiful writing but this went beyond that.

And with so many characters and time periods surrounding the mystery, it became tedious trying to figure out which details and characters were significant and which ones weren’t.

It was too long.

The end was anticlimactic.

Always took a few pages in between sittings to remember who everyone was and where they were in time.

Too much work for not enough reward.

If you have time to read a slow-moving book with a little intrigue, then you might enjoy this one, but those looking for a thrilling mystery to solve- look elsewhere.




The Room on Rue Amelie