The Gospel According to Satan

The Gospel According to Satan Book Cover

The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies about God that Sound Like the Truth
By: Jared C. Wilson

A provocative title in the best way. This book is a great study in how we are fooled, just as Adam and Eve, to take to heart the doubt Satan markets with: "Did God really say...?" We must be reminded to be on guard to the ploys of the enemy who comes to "diminish God and exalt man."

"The prospect of the fruit promised the three things—fulfillment, beauty, and enlightenment—that we have been chasing in every tree ever since… We live our lives in exile, but we play ‘garden’ every day. We drink the mirage’s sand and call it living water. We indulge our flesh and call it glory. We worship ourselves and call it living at the ‘next level.’"

The lies Wilson dissects are spot on and illuminated in ways maybe I speculated but couldn't put into words- they 100% are touted as truth in Christian and secular circles alike and are more dangerous than we realize.

If any of your goals in life (or what you hope for your loved ones) include: just being happy, having no regrets, living your truth, living what 'feels' right, taking control of your life but also just 'letting go', living a love-only gospel, and doing more good than bad or more good than your neighbor, this book will rock your world in the best way possible. It is going to liberate you in ways you've only dreamed and it's going to make more sense than you could hope for. This book has helped re-calibrate my thinking to reevaluate what/who I am truly worshiping when I say the things I say or do the things I do.

It is a sobering thought to consider: "The devil knows he doesn’t need the Church of Satan to get you. He just needs something shiny. He comes to us, remember, as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). He makes, as Paul called them, ‘arguments that sound reasonable’ (Col 2:4)… The devil makes his lies sound like common wisdom, religious insight, or motivational speeches."

We live in a culture that is trying to make all things gray, indistinguishable, and common. But Jesus said, 'It is finished'- he has already defeated the Liar and the Deceiver. We don't have to settle with gray, we can resist the fruits of fulfillment, beauty, and enlightenment. We are equipped and commanded to discern God's truth. This book, full of Scripture, is another tool to decipher some of this 'common wisdom' and illuminate it for what it is.

Will you check the author of your gospel?

**I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**


The Line Between

