To Save a Race

To Save a Race Book Cover

To Save a Race
By: Kandi J. Wyatt

First of all, I know nothing of the steampunk genre so my review will be without regard to genre. In short, I liked the book, but I didn’t love it.

It took me awhile to get pulled into the narrative at the beginning of the book. I wish the setting and time period would have been more clearly described or explained so I could better picture the context of the happenings. For example-there were distinct races set within some sort of economic tier or caste system but we were not given any background or explanation of this. Or how this was incorporated with their monarchical government. I wanted to know more of the context of what led these characters to be where they are or why people were viewed a certain way by others.

I also felt like some of the plot movement seemed to drag in some places and change too abruptly in others. I think the author missed out on some opportunities to play up suspense in some parts of the story- though maybe suspense was not her intent in writing this book.

I did find her adaptation of the Esther story intriguing and liked the way she incorporated it into a different setting than the biblical account. I enjoyed the middle of the book the most and ended up reading the book fairly quickly- which I take as a good sign. Some books take me forever because I just don’t feel like coming back to it. This book, though it had areas of improvement, did continue to bring me back to see where the author would take the story. And I did enjoy the variety of characters.

This genre is not something I would typically pick up and I have never read something from this author before, but if you enjoy reading adaptations of true stories, definitely give it a try!

*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*


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