
Chains Book Cover

Chains (Seeds of America #1)
By: Laurie Halse Anderson

I've had this book on my shelf for awhile but never felt inclined to read it- whether it was the title or the cover or what, I don't really know. But I finally read it and I'm glad I did! It was a great book!

I've read a lot of WWII stories lately, so it was really fun to read something from New York during the Revolutionary War period. The author wove her fictional story through true historical events- which I love! I know it's a good book when it causes me to google things and learn more. It was an educational, yet suspenseful story I finished in a few days. It was thought-provoking as well.

I don't think I ever realized or connected that when the words 'All men are created equal... with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' slavery was still rampant. I hadn't realized how hypocritical those words are (in light of that time)- that the men who passionately bellowed those words to the Brits, had slaves at home.

It's pretty shocking, really, and to think how long it took for freedom to truly come about. Having just read- Same Kind of Different As Me- you realize it's a lot longer than you think until people held America accountable to live up to the ideals put forth in the Constitution.

It was a great read and I look forward to the next book in the series! FYI- it leaves you on a cliffhanger, so if you're looking for a resolved ending without having to the read the rest of the series, you won't get one!


The Calling


Same Kind of Different As Me