Same Kind of Different As Me

Same Kind of Different as Me Book Cover

Same Kind of Different as Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together
By: Ron Hall

Honest. That's how I would describe this book.

I loved how transparent Ron and Denver were. They let you in on their thoughts. Thoughts I think we all have at some point or another but don't want anyone to know about.

I think the part that resonated with me the most (right now) was Ron's wife's battle with cancer- the prayers they prayed and the verses they clung to. And the way they responded when things didn't necessarily go the way they would have liked. Because yes, 'All things work together for the good for those who love God' but that doesn't mean 'the good' is the good we want and think should happen in every moment.

And just because God doesn't do what we want him to do, doesn't make him any less God or any less trustworthy or any less loving.

Ron and Debbie's struggle was a very real struggle and I think it's important to watch people walk through hard things and come out the other side firm in their faith despite the Enemy's pull to make us despair and be angry.

These people set a great example of how we should see and treat people.

People are more than their circumstances. Everyone has a story. And to truly care about someone, you need to know their story—what made them who they are today.

Of course, this book also includes some pretty horrific things that should not have happened, and it's pretty angering to read those parts, knowing how people were treated and not being able to change the past. But Ron and Denver show us how we have the power to change the present and the future. This was a heartfelt story with a great message and a lot of truth. Here are some quotes to give you a little taste:

"I cannot see into a person's heart to know his spiritual condition. All I can do is tell the jagged tale of my own spiritual journey and declare that my life has been the better for having followed Christ."

"We had gotten to the point where we had to leave it up to God. Sometimes to touch us, God touches someone that's close to us. This is what opens our eyes to the fact there is a higher power than ourselves, whether we call it God or not."

"Instead of lining sidewalks with picket fences, she'd fenced out fear, prejudice, and judgment, creating with her smile and open heart, a sanctuary for hundreds. Instead of planting yellow flowers, she'd sown seeds of compassion that changed hearts, mine and Denver's only two among them."

"But I found out everybody's different- the same kind of different as me. We're all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us. The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or something in between, this earth ain't no final restin' place. So in a way, we is all homeless- just working our way toward home."




The Choosing