Jesus, the Evangelist

Jesus, the Evangelist Book Cover

Jesus, the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel from the Book of John
By: Richard D. Phillips

Phillips writes that his two main audiences for this book are Christians who are interested in theology but don't show much zeal for sharing the gospel or for Christians who are zealous in evangelism but may be lacking in biblical foundation for their witness leading to a rather watered down form of the gospel. Both audiences are in need of an upgrade.

Thus, his book, a study in John, sets out to illuminate the example of evangelism shown in Scripture that highlights the necessity for us to 'go and tell' but also to center our witness on biblical truths and facts rather than emotion, entertainment, or simply seeking (what ends up typically being shallow) success.

While I didn't find this book ground-breaking, per say, I did feel convicted in many regards and encouraged in many regards. I believe it is a book worth reading.

Each chapter concludes with a list of questions that I think are great for discussions. A lot of times end-of-chapter questions are pretty fluffy and easy to skip over, but I think this book asks open-ended questions that really challenge you to reflect on the world, your experience, your heart, and ways to grow in your faith. I would definitely recommend this book as a Bible Study option.

He covers a lot of things including the elements that make an effective witness, the characteristics of genuine faith, and the power of personal testimony. He stresses our need to address sin and our need for a Savior. He doesn't advocate for one 'method' of evangelism but writes that we should be creative and use whatever opportunities God places in our path.

He also emphasizes how we are not the ones doing the saving and that the Holy Spirit convicts and converts. So it's not so much a 'how to' or step-by-step guide to evangelize but is a more organic exposition of what evangelism looks like based on what the Bible tells us about John the Baptist, and Jesus' encounters with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. It's an effort to change the way we think about evangelism and remind us why sharing the gospel is so important.

I also appreciated the appendix Phillips included to touch on God's sovereignty and evangelism as I believe it is essential in understanding when we share the gospel. You may not be Reformed or Calvinist in your theology, but I encourage you to read it anyway and think about the implications of God's sovereignty and let it encourage you, giving you confidence, boldness, and patience.

If we are not excited about God’s Word, if we are not warmed by close fellowship with God, and if we are not humbled by Christ’s suffering on the cross for our sins, we will not be very effective witnesses.”

During His life, [Christ] paid no attention to military, political, or economic affairs. But He wearied Himself down the Samaritan road to save this woman’s soul, and her witness to her neighbors was of compelling interest to our Lord. Does this not challenge our own priorities and interests? Even though we have earthly duties, isn’t what truly matters in every arena not the things of worldly concern but those things that advance the gospel and glorify God?”

“The divergence between Jesus’ focus and our own explains the unhappiness and lack of fulfillment many of us experience, even as Christians. Do you realize that the more self-centered we are, the more unhappy and unfulfilled we are? Are you trying to feast on an unwholesome diet of worldly amusements, earthly success, or sinful pleasure? You will never be satisfied that way! Too many Christians can recite details of all the sit-coms on TV but do not know what to say to lead a sinner to Christ. Many others feed richly on God’s Word, but because they do not serve-- and especially because they do not witness-- they find themselves strangely unfulfilled.”

I am praying that God will change my priorities so they align with what Jesus deemed most important- drawing people to Him. I'm easily caught up in my own life and my own struggles and though I love theology, my zeal for sharing the Gospel is lacking and thus, what I'm actually doing to love my neighbor is also lacking.

Maybe this book will help you change your priorities too. The world and this life is a mist, but eternity is long.


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