The Kingdom of Back

The Kingdom of Back Book Cover

The Kingdom of Back
By: Marie Lu

Did you know Mozart had a sister who was just as musically competent- both in skill and composition- as he was? This is Lu’s adaptation of that historical story, intertwined with a fantastical world the Mozart siblings created together.

I read it without knowledge of what I was picking up- I just knew I liked Lu’s Legend series. While I do appreciate a YA novel that is not an unrealistic love story of youths, I think I would have rather had her pick one genre on this book- either fantasy or historical fiction. Sometimes those two elements go together but I think most readers will be bored by one of the two “sides” of this particular story. I was more interested in the historical side as I had never known Nannerl to have existed and wanted to know more of her story and why history was written the way it was.

The writing itself was very well done and engaging. And as much as I say I’d rather Lu pick a genre, I will say that it was very creative how she incorporated what was happening in the fantastical world with historical record. I suppose it’s a love/hate relationship. I don’t like reading what I think is history and then becoming jolted into obvious fiction and having to piece together truth on my own (and with google) but at the same time I respect the endeavor to reimagine a story ‘already told.’

I also like the intention behind writing this book- that there are many people with amazing abilities and talents whose work and efforts are not seen or remembered because of narrow thinking. Especially for women during this time. I commend Marie Lu for bringing Nannerl to light and reminding us that every voice deserves to be heard.

So if you’re looking for an action packed dystopian adventure story or a romance, this is not for you. But if you like historical fiction with the pizzazz of fairies, enchanted forests, and tasks of imaginative bravery, you’ll probably find this book a delight! It was not my favorite but it has not deterred me from wanting to pick up another of her books.


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