The Rooster Bar

The Rooster Bar Book Cover

The Rooster Bar
By: John Grisham

Not my favorite John Grisham book.

It was less a legal thriller and more like a drama/narrative/retelling of a story that wasn’t very compelling.

It took me awhile to figure out where he was going with the plot- I thought the characters were going to pursue a trial against the Rackley scheme- which I think would have made a lot better book but it was a very small part of the plot.

Then the whole immigration side of the book seemed disjointed. That part could have been it’s own stand alone story and didn’t fit well into the whole of this book.

The characters weren’t very likable and there was no mystery or surprises. It wasn’t so bad that I hated reading it or didn’t finish it- I got through it pretty fast- but I much prefer Grisham’s other books.


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