2022 Goodreads Choice Awards Reading Challenge
Another year of reader-voted-best-books. I’m going to read one from each category!

The Best Books of 2022
My top 20 books from 2022!

6 Books I Read in December
Sorry none of these books are Christmas-related. But a couple have a lot of snow!

The Nineties
What I was hoping to be a funny nostalgic read ended up being a bit of a drag.

All About Books Crossword Puzzle
See how many clues you can figure out of this one-of-a-kind Shelf Reflection crossword puzzle all about books!

The Paris Apartment
“If you know what is good for you, you will stop. You will leave this place. And never look back.”

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality
Our kids are being desensitized, song by song, cartoon by cartoon, numbed to the point where immorality feels like no big deal.

The Rom-Com Agenda
“You’re a hopeless romantic and an incurable optimist. Uh, usually.”

Die Around Sundown
“My irritation was growing and something else was, too, a darker fear that I was being drawn into a game too dangerous for any parlor. No, not a game. A trap.”

Alter Ego
“They had two dead strangers in town. One killer. One victim.”

5 Books I Read in November
Apparently this was the ‘read a lot of books in a series’ month.
Resisting Gossip
“The problem is not that we love stories but that we can love stories too much, and, especially, we can love the wrong stories.”

Mastering the Art of French Murder
“I suppose if one could count having a father for an investigator and reading mystery novels as the groundwork for real-life detection experience, I was as prepared as anyone.”

Box 88
“They want something that couldn’t be found in his phone calls, his emails, his text messages… They want his memory.”

Live Your Truth (and Other Lies)
“You are not enough, but when your trust is placed in Jesus, his enough-ness is transferred to you”.

The Last Graduate
“Senior year, you spend half your time staying alive, half your time on your lessons, and half your time working out a graduation strategy to get you through the hall. If you can’t make that equation add up properly, you die.”

11 Books I Read in October
This month I read 5 new releases!

A Burning Obsession
“She was going insane. The only way she could know peace was with Moses behind bars. Abby would chase Moses Wilcox to the ends of the earth to protect her children.”

A Spacious Life
“We think guardrails restrict our freedom. When freedom is freedom from constraints, we live in a world we can’t control— yet we find ourselves caged by the things we chase.”

Firekeeper’s Daughter
“I never thought about secrets being like a bull’s eye. The smaller the circle, the bigger the secret.”