Don’t Follow Your Heart
“Self-worship not only robs us of awe, originality, freedom, authenticity, humility, courage, and adventure; it also strips us of the joyous capacity to give and receive a love that is truly redemptive, like God’s love.”

What Do I Say When…?
“We are called to witness to the truth for the sake of truth itself, not because it will be met with total gladness or joy by all, but because the proclamation of the gospel is the means by which the Lord redeems those he’s called to salvation.”

Parenting without Panic
“God’s vision for our bodies and relationships really is good news and we can talk calmly and confidently about it with even our young kids.”

Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships?
“The Christian call is not to loneliness but to love.”

Critical Dilemma
“The attraction of critical theories for Christians lies in the fact that they grasp an aspect of the truth. The problem lies in the fact that they press this to the point where other truths are marginalized, subverted, or even rejected.”

A Change of Affection
“I can’t explain all the mechanics of this radical transformation. I just know that no one can be in the very presence of the living God and remain the same.”

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
“God used the offense of God’s word for the good of my soul.”

Reclaiming Masculinity
“I want to argue that there’s a difference between that definition of ‘traditional masculinity’ and what we could call ‘biblical masculinity.’”

Do Not Be True to Yourself
Don’t be true to yourself?! But that’s not what we hear alllll the time… !

Pride Month Reading
A list of books to read during Pride Month.

The War Against Boys
“The current plight of boys and young men is, in fact, a women’s issue. Those boys are our sons; they are the people with whom our daughters will build a future. If our boys are in trouble, so are we all.”

Sex, Race, and the Sovereignty of God
“Ruth answers the question ‘Can I trust and love the God who has dealt me this painful hand in life?’”

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality
Our kids are being desensitized, song by song, cartoon by cartoon, numbed to the point where immorality feels like no big deal.

Jesus Through the Eyes of Women
When we see Jesus through the eyes of women in Scripture we find the Bible is not anti-women but was revolutionary in its treatment of women.
The Porn Problem
“Porn is the equivalent of burning a priceless Stradivarius violin for a few moments of warmth, and missing out on a lifetime of beautiful, glorious music.”

Talking Back to Purity Culture
“Too often, purity rhetoric hyperfocuses on what we should and shouldn’t do instead of what Christ has already done. It neglects the gospel and places personal striving above the finished work of Christ.”

Is God Anti-Gay?
“God is against who all of us are by nature… But he loves us enough to carry our burden, take our place, clean us up, make us whole, and unite us forever to himself.”

Born Again This Way
“Our culture sings that we’re ‘born this way,’ as if that settles the matter. But I’m born again.”

Eve in Exile
“The question is not where a woman is standing but which direction she is pointed.”
Radical Womanhood
A gospel-centered look at biblical womanhood in the historical context of the feminist movement and cultural ideals.