You Were Always Mine

You Were Always Mine Book Cover

You Were Always Mine
By: Nicole Baart

A little more slow-moving than I generally prefer, but I wouldn’t call it boring. Really interesting subject matter. Having experienced adoption and loss herself, the author exposes the raw emotion and honesty involved with both and lets us follow Jessica through her journey of understanding and growth dealing with a little-known experience.

I predicted the ‘bad guy’ but still thought she did a fairly good job of hiding it until the end.

I felt a bit unsatisfied with the relationship between Evan and Jess. After reading the ending, I’m less sure about why they were separated. Am I supposed to like him or hate him? And if I’m supposed to like him then it really kinda sucks that there was no resolution between them and their kids have no dad now. I mean, I know real life isn’t a neat little perfect package, but dang that’s sad.

[Oh and side note: I am now terrified to parent a 13 year old...]

Overall a really good read with a unique and compelling plot. I thought she did a good job capturing natural and realistic character interactions as well. And of course, shoutout to my northwest Iowa living!




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