In Farleigh Field
Sure, there was some predictability and it was a bit excessive on the 'Crikey!' usage, but the overall plot was interesting and there was…

The Infinite Pieces of Us
I typically don't mind the YA genre, but this book was just over the top. Literally almost every sentence was meant to be some sort of metaphor, symbolism, or profound dual meaning. I appreciate…

Rule of Law
It gave me a lot to think about in regard to what circumstances are appropriate for litigation against our President with sensitivity to matters of national security.

For the Love of God
I’ve tried many different Bible reading plans and have typically failed at them. Probably largely due to lack of discipline, but this year I was finally able to complete a plan and I think it was partly because of this particular plan and coinciding commentary.

This was Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets the Matrix but in a boring way.

The Clockmaker’s Daughter
I’ve never read Kate Morton before and probably won’t read her again if this book typifies her writing. I wasn’t much drawn to the…

The Room on Rue Amelie
“Perhaps that was what it was like to love someone deeply: to feel that no matter how many moments together you were granted, there would never be enough.”

Designed for Joy
“[God] did not make us all the same. He loves diversity. He revels in it. He created a world that pulses with differences, that explodes with color, that includes roaring waterfalls and self-inflating lizards and rapt, at-attention meerkats. But humankind, man and woman, is the pinnacle of his creation.”

Into the Water
There was a bit of mystery to unravel but it was fairly predictable and uncreative in my opinion. She teased the aha!-moments enough that they lost their punch. Nothing felt…

The Alice Network
This book was just okay for me. Reading the author’s note at the end boosted my opinion a bit because I had to give her credit for the way she utilized and expounded on true events. I thought her combination…

Fierce Faith
I wasn't sure if I would like this book or not. I don't relate to people obsessed with coffee and who call their friends 'Girlfriend', or who use the word 'women' when they mean 'woman' but I forged on and read the whole book. I would classify it as…

A Map of Days
Another great peculiar book! It’s kinda Harry Potter meets Agents of SHIELD. There’s so much of the peculiar world yet to discover.

How Long, O Lord?
"Pain tends to make people better, or bitter. If we find it is developing in us a pattern of bitterness, we are in desperate straits. And one of the first steps to reverse such bitterness is to come before the Lord, broken and confused and hurt as we may be, and read his Word, seek his face, and ask him to provide the comfort that only he can.”

Magpie Murders
Great read! If you enjoy Agatha Christie books, you will like Magpie Murders. At first, it threw me off that right away it went from the present to having you read the manuscript of a whodunit novel. I wasn't sure where they were going but…

The Glass Ocean
I really enjoyed this book. I like that they took a historical event— the sinking of the RMS Lusitania ship by a German U-boat in 1915— and created a story around it. It made me google a lot of things which…

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
An honest, intellectually stimulating unfolding of Nabeel's journey from Islam to Christianity. First of all, the author is a medical doctor, has two master's degrees and was working on a PH.D before he passed away, so you can believe that he was a well-read intellectual who did the work- research and asking hard questions.

Evangelical Feminism
This is a book that will no doubt result in polarizing reviews. People reading this book are most likely coming to it with their belief already established, and thus, will either like this book or reject it. However, I believe, wherever you fall on the issue, this is a highly valuable read. It is widely undisputed that…

Every Wicked Man
I have now read all the books in this series. And this was another winner. Steven James is an excellent writer who weaves a tangled web of mystery quite well, maintaining suspense, adding tasteful humor, giving his characters depth and intelligence, and challenging the reader in all sorts of moral or spiritual dilemmas.

Becoming a Woman Whose God is Enough
The truths you encounter in this book are ones you will need daily because as humans we are constantly battling our desire to be our own god, to do things our own way, to doubt God, to question his love and his purposes. Every single day we need to wake up saying…

Every Deadly Kiss
Another great Steven James book! In comparison to Every Crooked Path, this was not as heavy subject material-a big theme is the racial profiling, terrorism discussion.